Samizdat Publication

The Samizdat workshop (January/April 2010), lead by Marco Balesteros and Sofia Goncalves, proposed the creation of a space for critique and practice in the context of self-publishing. Its central guidelines were the blurring of roles involved in editing/publishing, the designer as author/editor/producer, an understanding of the workshop as a pedagogical model parallel to academia and as a catalyst for critical experimentation and content generation.
This meta-design exploration was consolidated in a statement of intent, centered around 7 themes (ideology(ies), art/publishing, editing/contents, print culture/digital culture, meta-media, production, distribution/audience/reader). In turn, these issues led to a series of individual publications (authorial monologues) and collective contributions (panel discussions).
The SAMIZDAT publication serves as a record of the workshop as well as an aggregator and an informal compendium on self-publishing’s key issues.

Participants: Andreia Almeida, Nuno Belmonte, Inês Bento, Ana Bouza, Filipa Cordeiro, Bárbara Fonseca, Ana Freitas, Pedro Gonçalves, Teresa Lima, Rafael Lourenço, João Lucas, João Machado, Marta Mestre, Daniel Neves, Mónica Oliveira, Raquel Pinto, Margarida Rego, Mariana Sameiro, João Santos, Rui Silveira, Joana Sobral, Catarina Vasconcelos, Mariana Veloso, Marius Wenker.


> Link to Samizdat